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Active Learning

We try to use active learning to help you learn better. Here's one thing you can do on your own: take better notes using what has come to be known as the Cornell Note-taking System. If you maintain an active focus - and the Cornell system helps you do so - you will remember much more of the material in any course or workshop you attend, not just ours!

Training and Retraining

Gone for most of us are the days of learning a trade in youth and working at it all your life. In this high-tech world, technical professionals need frequent training updates. Here are some offerings that we either are involved in or can recommend.

Java Training

Mr. Darwin was the original author and chief instructor for two Learning Tree Java courses (now maintained by other Java experts and courseware developers):

He is the current author/maintainer of Java Enterprise Edition: JSF, EJB and JPA;

Learning Tree also offers a number of other Java programs.

  • I am available to write and present short presentations on various topics (anything longer than a day requires special arrangements).
  • I have a two-day course on TDD and JUnit that I can offer by arrangment.
  • See also several presentations whose notes are available in the Java Section.
  • UNIX Training

    Mr. Darwin is an accomplished presenter at technical conferences; please use the contact form for availability.

    I offer a variety of short (half-day) talks on UNIX; please contact me to discuss your needs.

    Here are some free samples:

    Regular UNIX training is offered through Learning Tree International.

    Learning Tree offers a variety of UNIX courses.

    Other High Tech Training

    Visit Learning Tree's web site for an introduction to this well-rounded training program. Programming: C/C++/Java; OOD; OOP. XML, XSL, and XML Applications. Web Services. Microsoft: MS-Windows; SQL Server; Access; Sharepoint; .Net. UNIX: introduction and advanced usage; programing; administration; UNIX, Linux, Solaris. Networking: Intra, Inter, Extra. Security. Novell. Scripting: Perl, Korn Shell. Oracle. Telecomm/Datacomm. It's all there (well, almost all. We don't teach Word Perfect or MS-Word, as that field is too competitive :-). Please book online.

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