Version 1.0.0 - 2014-04-15 ----------------------------------- UI updated with Android ActionBar. I still support phones as far back as API Level 7 (had to move up from 6 to get the support library for the ActionBar; sorry to both of you that still run Android 1.6 devices). Enables auto-loading. Set your OSM username/email in Preferences and enable Auto-Upload. When you save a reading, you'll be asked to confirm (and enter your password if it's the first upload of this invocation; we only store the password in memory for security reasons; OAuth2.x coming later). Fixes a bug that caused the app to stop recording when the phone went idle. Prevent using back button during voice recording, as this leaves the recorder in a confused state. Further small changes to the XML detected when auto-loading was enabled. Traces now get uploaded and import successfully. There is a proper buglist in a database on our server, although it's not yet web-accessible, so your suggestions are being saved and acted upon. Releases are only being released for Android due to an "issue" with our password for BlackBerry. Hope to have this resolved soon. You can always load the APK directly from and current BB10 will install it. Version 0.8 - 2014-01-27 ------------------------ Minor bug fix and enhancements. Fixes a bug in the generated XML that caused strict XML parsers used in some third-party software to reject the GPX files. Fixes a bug that would occasionally cause a crash if you rotated the device while recording GPS. Version 0.7 - first release to the Android Play Store and BlackBerry World. This is a Beta release. Please note the following: - We try to ensure that the GPX file is closed correctly, but this does not always happen. If your destination app cannot read the file, try opening it with a plain-text editor (vi, notepad, TextEdit, etc.) and add these three "end tag" lines after the last end-trackpoint () tag. - Do NOT use the application with the USB connected and the SDCard exported to your desktop, on platforms where this disables all Android Apps's access to the /sdcard folder, as there may be some places where the app might crash if the /sdcard is not available. - There are no language-translation files yet so the program only works in English. Hay una traduccion muy cruda para Espanol, pero se puede morir de reir si intenta usarlo. No pagamos las cuentas funerales que resultan, ni ningunas otras consecuencias. Sirvense ayudanos con una traduccion mas correcta? - Voice Note files are saved as standard MP3's, but the CODEC used is not always available on the desktop. - The footprint 'tracks' on the icon look more like missiles than the intended footprints. Somebody with a bit more artist-fu should work on them. If you find any new ways to crash it, please email or use this:'jpstrack crash'